Last Days in Tahoe!

Hopefully you all had a memorable Easter, a lot has happened since the last time I checked in!
The day after my last post Erin and I both sent our mini-projects near Truckee (they took two sessions..). Erin did Fresh Tips (V8) and I did Boyz in the Hood (direct start, V12?) Boyz is one of the better harder lines I have done in awhile and it fit me really well. It has some sweet slopers and pinches, and finishes with a fun dyno finale to keep you on your toes.. Here is a video we put together of the day..

Also, Jesse Bonin put together the footage we shot of our 3 day back pack bouldering adventure to the Lake Elbert Area..  It was a team effort and I think it turned out well and is quite comical.. Check it out..

And yes, there is one more video.. I climbed the classic Yeti (V9) at Erratica. The lighting and the area were just too beautiful to not bust out the camera.. Not to mention it’s a sweet problem.  

What else is new you wonder?

We checked out the Sierra Buttes. It was a beautiful and remote feeling area. I flashed The Only Arete (V9). I tried Paul Bunyan (V12/13) for a bit. Had some fun but didn’t do it.

Erin did Element of Surprise (prob V8 for her..) at Erratica. It was sweet. I ripped a hole in my finger trying Hellamental at Erratica (V11 or 12).. Not as sweet.

Yesterday for Easter we went to the Zephyr boulders as a snow storm rolled in.. The lake looked very mysterious..

The view from the Zephyr Boulders on Easter as the storm was rolling in.

The view from the Zephyr Boulders on Easter as the storm was rolling in.

I managed to send a really good Bonin problem, in the company of the man himself, Kung Fu Panda. It’s a thuggy compression problem that has a cool jump move to a juggy hold in the middle of the wall.

Now it has snowed. Were debating what to do.. I’m kinda psyched to go to the gym.. Erin is flying out to visit family and have fun for a couple weeks in a couple days. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Some big news!
We have decided to spend the summer in Colorado (We just made this decision!). We both have a bunch of stuff we want to do there, so that’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to head that way in a couple days, then Erin will meet me after her trip. We both need to get jobs too.. Time to buckle down!
Hopefully everyone is well!